Monday, September 21, 2009

Recent Happenings and Future Plans

Well I thought it was about time for an update, even if I don't have anything in particular to discuss at length. Things are settling into a nice rhythm now, so I'm very happy about that, it makes the days a little better when I know exactly what is going on. The kids' activities and school are in full-swing. They both play tennis (as I think I hinted in an earlier post), Jorge(9) started hip-hop classes this week (both that and tennis on Mondays) and he also has swimming and guitar on Tuesdays, so the beginning of the week is very busy for him. Eddy isn't doing as many activities, but he has ping pong (they have ping-pong competitions here, it's pretty intense) on Tuesdays and tennis on Fridays, so they both stay fairly busy between activities and homework. I started my french classes today, which was actually mildly disappointing because my teacher is Greek. My host parents were also surprised and told me that if it's not good for me, then we can try to figure something else out. Personally, I think it will be alright because I am fairly sure I will be switching courses soon to a French professor (or at least I hope so!). The courses are always nice though for expanding vocabulary and just reinforcing things I already know. The courses are 3 times a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs) for 2 hours each time. I don't think that will be too overwhelming, although our professor did say today that he expects us to work on homework for 4 hours/week, which I think was about my workload in college...anyway, I like the structure.

I know of a few happenings in the foreseeable future and I'll share those to get up some excitement about blog postings for these events: we have a birthday party (about the 3rd or 4th since I've been here!!) on Saturday at one of the neighbors and those are always fun because it's a good opportunity to use my french and meet people, etc. Sunday we are going to the Dad's show, which opens tomorrow in Paris!! I am really looking forward to going there, first of all because it's in Paris and secondly because I think it will be a unique experience. Anyway, the whole family will be going there...and the next weekend the Mom is in Nantes for the weekend, so I get a weekend with the kids and I am actually really looking forward to that!! (don't choke on your food if you're eating...I know it's surprising) I think it will be a nice opportunity to grow closer with them and just goof around and pretend like I'm a little kid again :) Probably the biggest news in the foreseeable future is my plan to go to Amsterdam with a few Colombians. Although we haven't set a date yet, it sounds like it is going to happen for sure and that will be a lot of fun, especially because we are going to spend a day in Bruges (Belgium), a place I have wanted to visit for awhile now!

I almost forgot about the music festival I attended on Saturday! It took place in Maule, a town just 10 minutes away, which is a fairly small town (6,000 inhabitants), but they did a great job of bringing some interesting acts to the festival. I went with the family on Saturday night and we saw 3 acts, the most interesting of which I think would have to be the African big-band group, which brought a lot of energy and a different vibe. I also met a great couple who live on the outskirts of Paris, with whom I exchanged information and now I have another place to stay in Paris and people to hang out with when I go there, so that's pretty exciting as well! Unfortunately, I was allergic to some sort of grass there or something because I had a little bit of difficulty breathing and therefore sleeping that night, but it was still worth it!

Well that's it for now from this side of the pond...comments, suggestions, and snide remarks are always welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Because I'm fairly sure that I and everyone else who reads this blog knows that the "snide remarks" ROP is directed at me, here goes:

    That's quite a larynx (from Facebook).

    On a serious note: I'm proud of you, bud, and hope you're adjusting not just to living in France, but acculturating yourself to France, as I'm sure you are. Enjoy the travels, smoke some dope in Amsterdam (did you know there is some crazy religion based on pot there? I guess if it were anywhere, it would be Amsterdam).

    You're a good man, Charlie Brown. Je suis tres content d'etre son frere. Comment disent les pernambucanos: Voce e' massa! Keep on with the updates. Some of us are living vicariously.
