Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting ready for the trip

Hello and welcome to my blog! Hopefully this works out better than last time I was in France and tried to keep a blog, since I wasn't very good at updating it then. Only 3 days until I leave on August 20th, with stops in Edinburgh, London, Florensac (S.W. France) and Strasbourg before arriving in Paris on the 30th and meeting my au pair family there. It's getting pretty exciting and although there are many people I will miss, I hope I inspire people to come visit or at least follow through with their own "dream plans." That's it for now, but expect more shortly after my arrival in Europe!! If you want my new e-mail address or perhaps my mailing address in France, let me know. I will also be communicating by Skype throughout my trip, so if you want to set up a time to talk at any point just shoot and e-mail or message my way! Until next time...